There have been many different MMOs, RPGs, and MMORPGs where players go on epic adventures and explore vast worlds. Games like World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, SkyrimFallout, Dragon Age, and Dark Souls are all examples that fall under one of these designations. While there are many other games that have similar mechanics, these specific titles all allow players to create completely original characters that they can shape by the way they play. Other RPGs like Witcher III and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic have you play established characters. While you can make different decisions in these titles that change the player character’s personality to varying degrees, there is technically a “right way” to play these characters.

In this article, we will explore an idea for a game relating to the first set of titles mentioned. What if players had the opportunity to create their own characters in the fantasy setting that is considered the catalyst for all modern fantasy? What if we got a Skyrim style game… in Middle Earth?


To get this out of the way, I am aware that there already is a MMORPG set in Middle Earth with Lord of the Rings Online. I am also aware there are other Lord of the Rings RPGs like War in the North and The Third Age, but these are more in line with Witcherwhere you play set characters. All these titles, however, are not the kind of game I am proposing. As mentioned before, this theoretical game would be heavily inspired by Skyrim along with many other titles.

For starters, it wouldn’t be a MMO, but single player. The combat would be some sort of cross between Dark Souls, Witcher, and Skyrim, requiring some skill to be good rather than the button mashing associated with MMO combat or even Skyrim. There would also be a heavy exploration element similar to Skyrim where you can discover new adventures all across the game map. However, it wouldn’t be the Elder Scrolls in Middle Earth. In fact, the feel would be very different from the start.


This game, first and foremost, would be about the player’s choices. From the start, players would have the option to pick their character’s race and their homeland. First, players would pick good or evil. From there, they would pick their race. Good could choose from Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Hobbit and evil could choose Orc, Uruk-Hai, Goblin, or Human. Then the player chooses their starting homeland, which will vary depending on their race. Certain races will have certain homelands available to them with a little crossover here and there. Hobbits, for example, come from the Shire and Bree. Orcs come from Mordor, Isengard, the Misty Mountains, or Dol Guldur. The idea is the same for the other races depending on where they typically come from in Middle Earth. Once those decisions are made, players will be asked a few simple questions to set up the general background for their character.


After all that, the gameplay begins. Based off of the choices and answers to the background questions, player characters will be given a starting quest in their homeland to get them started and to teach them the basics. These starting quests will vary based off of the choices made in character creation. However, players don’t need to complete this starting quest if they so choose. They can simply roam out in Middle Earth as soon as they are given control of their created character.

The game would start as Frodo leaves the Shire, even though the player character may not necessarily be there to see it happen. From there, the player can go through the events of the War of the Ring anywhere in Middle Earth in any manner. This would include events not specifically mentioned in the main books, but that are present in Middle Earth lore. If you want to fight at Helm’s Deep, you can do that. If you want to defend Lorien and Erebor from Sauron’s northern assault, you can do that. If you want to sit out the war entirely and focus on some other enterprise, you can do that. You could even try to take the ships into the west right from the beginning if you so desire. That would obviously be a very short play through, but it would still be an option all the same.

You would be able to do whatever you like in Middle Earth, but there is a catch. Time is a factor. Like in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask or Kingdom Come: Deliverance, events happen elsewhere even if you are not present. It wouldn’t be like Skyrim where things wait to unfold until you are present. If you want to be at Helm’s Deep, but something else sidetracks you and you miss it, then you miss it. Of course you could just do another play through or go back to an old save, but the point is that the world is huge and always in motion. Though you are a hero or villain, you are not at the epicenter of everything going on and your choices have consequences. This also presents a prime opportunity for drastically different stories on each play through, promoting replayability.

The other thing players can do is change outcomes of events in Middle Earth history to make a new history. Perhaps you lead the Uruk-Hai to victory at Helm’s Deep or you capture the One Ring from Frodo at Amon Hen. Or perhaps you manage to take the fight to Isengard before they build up their strength. No matter the decision, however, players will only have a set number of in game days. Basically, they will have until the One Ring is destroyed or until Sauron reclaims it. There is no middle ground.

So does this sort of game interest you? Do you think such a game is possible today? Am I just spouting nonsense? Share your thoughts in the comments below!